Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pinewood Derby

Hunter's class had a pinewood derby and they got to decorate their own cars and everything. The excitement when they saw the track was better than the Daytona 500. They were all so excited to race...over and over and over again. Hunter's car won 3 out of 4 races, I was impressed. It was all luck no doubt since it was a bunch of preschoolers putting them together. They were all so excited and proud of their cars though and they each got a certificate after the races were finished. Then of course they turned it into a smash up derby but I guess kids will be kids. Some kids lost wheels at that point but fortunately Hunter's stayed in tact...I'm sure there would have been tears involved otherwise. It was a lot of fun to go watch but I'm glad I didn't have to do any of the carving or decorating work.

The entire clan goes to Sea World

Look out hospitality center...here we come. We all have passes now to Sea World so I'm sure we'll be going there a lot now since we've worn out our Disney and Universal passes over the past year. We love Sea World, the kids like all the exhibits, shows and now they even have a kiddie ride area. Matthew and Kenzie were really upset that they weren't tall enough to ride the big roller coaster yet but hopefully next year, maybe 2 years for Matthew. We had a great time though, but did get rained on. Didn't stop us at all, we just waited it out while having some samples and snacks for the kids.

Always tumble time

Kenzie taught Hunter how to do a cartwheel so now he's doing them non-stop. It's so funny, he'll just do about 11 in a row and then be so dizzy he can barely stand. He's really getting good too, I wish I could talk him into doing gymnastics...he has no fear so I think he would be great.

April Showers

So the old saying goes "April Showers brings May Flowers"...well around my house "April Showers bring messy boys out to splash in puddles!" We got a downpour but for the first time ever (since living in FL) it wasn't accompanied with thunder and lightening so that was an open invite for us to go out and play in the rain. I'm sure the neighbors all think we're nuts by now anyway so why not give them more proof. The boys and I had a really good time splashing and jumping in all those puddles. I once read in my Parent Magazine that you should always take the opportunity to play in the rain with your kids....so I never pass up that chance! Unfortunately the pictures didn't turn out so great because I was trying hard to keep my camera dry but here's a few that I'm sharing despite the blur.

Spring Break 2008

For spring break we just stuck around here because Sean was in San Diego on travel. So the boys and I hung out with friends. We went to Universal, Sea World, the Marriott swimming, to a resort in Kissimmee with friends. Sadly, I didn't have my camera...what was I thinking? I only have 1 picture that my friend had taken of us swimming.....I really need to get a smaller camera so I can take it in my purse everywhere and not have to worry about lugging my big (good) camera around.

Costumes out of anything

Hunter has a way of making anything into a costume...there's really not ever a dull moment with that kid around. He made his sleeping bag into a cape with his Flash mask and ran around the house like a super hero for hours.

Our tour of the lighthouse

We went to Ponce Inlet for the day and decided to tour the lighthouse. We climbed to the very top of the highest lighthouse in FL....all 203 of those very narrow and steep steps, but who's counting. ha! Wouldn't have been all that bad but Hunter is terrified of heights so I had to carry him on my back all the way up and all the way down...luckily we all lived to tell about it. Mom and Matthew did great, I was really surprised. There's a landing every 20 steps so you can rest so it really could have been much worse. The view from the top was well worth the effort though but the wind was fierce. We had a great time touring all the museums that were on the grounds, then followed it up with a little time on the beach, dinner and then a game of putt-putt.