Tuesday, June 10, 2008

April Showers

So the old saying goes "April Showers brings May Flowers"...well around my house "April Showers bring messy boys out to splash in puddles!" We got a downpour but for the first time ever (since living in FL) it wasn't accompanied with thunder and lightening so that was an open invite for us to go out and play in the rain. I'm sure the neighbors all think we're nuts by now anyway so why not give them more proof. The boys and I had a really good time splashing and jumping in all those puddles. I once read in my Parent Magazine that you should always take the opportunity to play in the rain with your kids....so I never pass up that chance! Unfortunately the pictures didn't turn out so great because I was trying hard to keep my camera dry but here's a few that I'm sharing despite the blur.

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