Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kindergarten Orientation

Hard to believe but Hunter's finally getting ready to head off to big boy school. We got to go in and see the school in action and meet the teachers and staff...I'm not sure Hunter's really excited about kindergarten but there were a few things there that he liked right away. The library being one, with the computers and the giant Kermit the Frog.

My Mother's Day

What a spectacular day I had. The boys each decorated a mother's day cake for me, there were flowers and cards and they treated me to La Nouba, the Cirque du Soleil which I have been wanting to see for a long time. That's a show at Downtown Disney and I wasn't sure if the boys would like it...but I can honestly say it was the most amazing show I've ever seen and the kids were in awe the entire time as well! I would love to go see it again some day soon as a matter of fact and would highly recommend it if you're ever in's so worth the expense of the tickets!!! This was an awesome Mother's Day Treat...oh and then we followed it up with dinner at one of my favorite places, Macaroni Grill...YUMMY!

Mother's Day Tea with Hunter

Hunter's class did a wonderful Mother's Day Tea and really went all out! The kids made up invitations requesting that we come. So I show up and there's Hunter standing outside the classroom waiting on me and he smiles that huge smile of his and says "thank you for coming". He gives me a hand made flower, opens the door for me and shows me to my seat. Once I'm seated he gives me a menu that the kids made listing all the choices we had and very politely asked "what would you like today?" He brought me juice, cookies and chips and we sat together and had a wonderful snack. After that the kids all cleaned up and then went to the front of the class to sing us a was a very special event, I will truly never forget it!

Bunco de Mayo

May was my month to host bunco so in honor of the 5th of May I did a Margarita and Mexican food theme. We had a great time as usual, what a great group this is! I won the biggest loser, Linda won 'Dice Diva' and got to sport the crown and my mom was the biggest winner...she's so lucky!

Earth Day 2008

For Earth Day, Sean and I left work at lunch and came home to make Matthew's class a sweet treat for the day. We made the treat of "dirt". We put it in a flower pot, with fake flowers and had gummy worms and all. We took it to his class and the kids were so excited and they loved it! Then, later that night the boys planted bean sprouts to celebrate as well. Hunter's ended up growing really tall which was funny becuase he just sort of threw his seeds in and tossed some dirt on them and was done. Matthew took special time and attention to every detail and of course his took much longer to grow....they finally did grow though, we told him that he just gave it too much TLC.

Back again, let me pick up where I left off...April

So April 24 was take your child to work day. It happened to be my day off, but that was the day where I would be doing my 'part-time' job of photography. So I went to the preschool to do graduation pictures for each class. We only did cap and gown pictures, the kids were was quite easy and I had Matthew there helping me the entire time. After that we went to buffet of course, that's Matthew's favorite! Then I dropped him off at work with Sean for the remainder of the day. I'm sure he had more fun with Sean because he got to explore the lab and see all the Virtual War Games we have here, so it was a very long and exciting day for him. Funny, he still thinks work is fun....I'm sure that'll change around the age of 18! Ha!