Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back again, let me pick up where I left off...April

So April 24 was take your child to work day. It happened to be my day off, but that was the day where I would be doing my 'part-time' job of photography. So I went to the preschool to do graduation pictures for each class. We only did cap and gown pictures, the kids were was quite easy and I had Matthew there helping me the entire time. After that we went to buffet of course, that's Matthew's favorite! Then I dropped him off at work with Sean for the remainder of the day. I'm sure he had more fun with Sean because he got to explore the lab and see all the Virtual War Games we have here, so it was a very long and exciting day for him. Funny, he still thinks work is fun....I'm sure that'll change around the age of 18! Ha!

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