Monday, July 9, 2007

Off to work I go...

Okay, today was the first day of my new job here in Orlando and I can't even tell you how excited I am about it. It started off that it took me 15 minutes, YES 15 MINUTES and that included my stop at Starbucks (which happens to be right on the way and didn't have a single person in line)! As if the commute alone wasn't good enough, my new boss walks in and introduces her self and then goes on to say "oh, by the way, we are both over dressed and I only did it because I knew I would be meeting you you can dress casual from now on, even jeans, t-shirts, and tennis shoes are okay". No, gets even better.....the employee lounge is right across the hall from my office and they have snacks (healthy snacks even) for all project employees for free. Then she told me that I don't really have a standard schedule or hours and if I get all my work finished and want to take off early some days or an extra day that it's fine with her, she's "very flexible".....I felt like I had won the job lottery. Not that I didn't have an awesome job in VA because I did, not to mention I had the best office mate a person could ever ask for (I do miss BJ and our chats and lunch runs already) but I did have a long commute there so I was usually too tired to appreciate my job by the time I got to it. There are some things that are going to be an adjustment, like the kind of work I'll be doing, lots of deadlines, reading, and pressure....not to mention that most people there that I'm working with are not SAIC employees...that will take me a while to adjust to. I am happy to report though that I just love my new job! It seems like I've just been so busy though, and up so late every night and still not able to accomplish half of what I set out to do.....I am still taking 2 classes a quarter by the way and even the ones that I'm currently taking are pretty cool....but a lot more work than any others that I've taken in the past. I'm having to actually log on early in the week and work on the tasks well before the due date....that's not typical of me at all. I don't have much more time until I get my degree though, so I'm going to keep chugging along.
As for the house, they sent a counter offer of course because we have to play this little back and forth game of numbers, which I've never understood by the way. But we countered their offer so hopefully we'll be able to meet somewhere in the middle. Not that it helps us all that much, we still have a house in Leesburg, VA (I note that because we're close to Leesburg, FL here too) to get rid of. Hopefully we'll start getting more showings and sell's not even been on the market a week but I am starting to panic just a little. Anyway, I miss all my friends in VA and will be coming to visit very soon....until my next post....Ang



Okay woman--that is the last thing you need. A job with all that flexability! Thank god there is not a casino near by.

Stephanie said...

I'm so glad-- see told you things would look up :) Still missing you here! I survived the wedding Saturday-- but thought about you every step of the way! Let me know when you're heading back into town.

Unknown said...

AWESOME... Me? I am excited about the possibility of changing jobs and thrilled it will be 45 minutes instead of an hour and 15 minutes, and you get ONLY 15 minutes with STARBUCKS! HOW JEALOUS AM I??

You'll do great there.

Deanna said...

So glad that things are looking up! Makes the last couple of weeks worth it, huh?!

So, when will you be ready for visitors in that gorgeous new hotel, I mean, home of yours :)