Thursday, July 12, 2007

Tooth #3...

Well, it looks like Matthew could very well be asking for his front teeth this Christmas...well, his front tooth that is. Any of you that have seen him know that he's had a lose tooth for a while now and he was looking like a crazy person because it was going in every direction at any given moment! So today when I got a call at work from him telling me that it was out, it was a happy moment for me! The funny thing is that he accidentally knocked Makenzie's (his cousin) tooth out when they were playing tug-of-war with the remote and he let go and it hit her in the face and knocked that lose tooth right out. Well, today he was trying to get a wet wipe out and when he pulled, it tore and his very own hand flew up and hit him in the face and he knocked his very own tooth out. So if you know of anyone who needs help with a lose tooth just send them our way, maybe this means he'll be a dentist one day. Ha! I've attached some pictures of his funny new smile to share with all of you, and I couldn't resist the swimming picture because the goggles, new toothless smile, and watered down hair was just too much(picture to post later)! Then of course there was Kenzie, as competitive as she is....she insisted that we should pull her tooth out too, though it's not even really lose, but she swore it wouldn't hurt and that it would be okay (my Crazy girl!)

Until my next post...Ang

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think Vanshika would need Matts help because she has been having two upper loose tooth. I am glad that Matthhew will be here this weekend that will save my Dentist bill as I was going to take her to one this week.