Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Almost back in action...

Okay, it's been a long time since my last post and a lot has happened which is why I haven't had time to post...not to mention I haven't really had an internet connection either. Anyway, we went to closing on our new house in FL on Monday, 7/31 so we're official FL residents now. Thuesday, 8/1 the movers came to VA to pick up all our stuff and trust me when I say we had a lot of stuff. Even though we really did a good job going through and getting rid of a ton of things, it still took 6 professional movers 6.5 hours to load everything into a truck! They had estimated that our things wouldn't arrive until about Sunday so Matthew, Hunter, mom and I joined Carol, Garrett, my Sis, Kenzie and Keegan at the beach for the weekend. We had a great time there, the weather was perfect...however, there was a slight jellyfish problem. Of course Keegan had to get stung not 5 minutes after we got to the beach but we were thankful if any kid had to get stung that it was him because he's quite the tough guy...didn't even cry! The lifeguard took good care of him by spraying regular kitchen vinegar on his foot and he was fine after that. Who knew that vinegar cures a jellyfish sting?! Anyway, there were about 1,000 stings in one day at just the 3 lifeguard posts and so the news was there doing a big special...we have nothing better to talk about than the attack of jellyfish. Ha! Then at one point there was a guy swimming pretty far out in the ocean and the lifeguard kept blowing her whistle and waving her flag and he started swimming in but she kept doing it and then she looked at me calmly and said "there's a shark so I don't know why they aren't getting out of the water"!!!!! I freaked out and started yelling "shark, get out" so then everyone responded. Sis and the kids were in the water too and they moved very fast...we all thought she was blowing the whistle at the guy swimming out way too far...I can't believe she was so calm. Turns out that it was a 5 foot shark coming in right about knee deep and that happens to be the beach where everyone get attacked by sharks....now I see why, no sense of urgency to get people out of the ocean. In my opinion when you see a shark you don't just stand and wave a flag calmly, you wave it like a freak and yell shark! Anyway, our stuff arrived Saturday instead so I missed watching those poor guys carry all our stuff into our new house in the 100 degree temps...Sean said he knows they had to have lost about 10 pounds each because it was so hot...and he wanted to do all this moving ourselves, we'd probably still be loading a truck in VA. Ha! Anyway, we're all moved in and still unpacking so we hope to put the last box out in the trash by the end of the weekend. We'll be sending out notices with our new address and phone number soon but we still have our old cell phone numbers so if you need to come visit before you get our new address just call us on the cells and we'll have your guest room ready and waiting! Until my next post...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well glad they used vinegar instead of the method from Friends.. LOL. Glad you got out of the water with that shark. Man, I would have done the same thing and yelled, not sure why they were so calm. Miss you and looking forward to the new address. Take care.