Wednesday, August 8, 2007

3, 2, 1, blastoff!!!

We had a hot but very exciting day today...we went to see the shuttle launch at the Kennedy Space Center. It was like rush hour on the beltway getting into the space center, the typical 1 hour drive became 2. We wouldn't have minded so much but we were on E, what kind of crazy are we going into traffic and forgetting to check to make sure we had enough gas? Ugh! Well, we made it but we were very nervous. Anyway, we were there with about a million other people in 400 degree weather, but it was sooooo worth it! I would do it again in a second and so would Matthew...Hunter thought it was "boring, and horrible because it wasn't loud enough". Ha! Sean is not one to fight crowds and didn't like the heat but he did enjoy the shuttle launch part of the trip. We spent the day at the Kennedy Space Center taking in an IMAX show about the space station, the Mad Mission to Mars kids show, they played in water, and we did the Space Launch Experience ride...that was pretty cool, but I felt like we would all have shaken astronaut syndrome by the time we got off. The launch was a dream come true for me...I've always wanted to be an astronaut, go to space or and see a launch in real out of three's not bad huh? We had a good time despite the heat and crowds and it was so exciting to count down the blast with all those people. We saw the shuttle taking off and then about 2 minutes later heard it, it sounded like fireworks really, I was expecting much worse. I would highly recommend it to anyone coming to town to try to catch a shuttle taking was something I'll never forget. I'm going to try to go back for the October and/or December launch as well....maybe the rest of the gang will go in December when it's much cooler outside. We have some pictures attached of us at Kennedy Space Center and anyone who knows Hunter, will know that he HAD to become an astronaut today. The rest of the kids posed behind wooden suits, Hunter had to have a suit...he really wants to be an astronaut now...much better than being Spider Man I guess, at least he could possibly be paid for this job. Until my next post.....

1 comment:

Liz said...

Looked like you all had a blast! Johnny and I went back in '95. It was really cool. We did not go to the space center. We watched from the beach.

We miss ya'll! We can't wait to see you all later this month. Noah can't wait to see Matthew. He asks about him all the time .

Hope you all are doing well! See you soon!