Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Pictures don't even come close...

Okay....here's a good riddle for you:
What do you get when you turn your back for a split second, on two silly boys, in a jetted bath, with a full bottle of soap (or what used to be full anyway)?


We thought it was bad enough when Sean went to turn the jets on and they sprayed water straight up everywhere like a fountain in our bathroom because neither of us realized that you have to actually aim the jets downward before turning them on. So after finally getting that cleaned up, we put the boys in and let them play while we hung some things in the closet right there in the bathroom and then we hear the dreaded words of boys..."uh oh"! We looked out and bubbles were coming over the sides of the tub and you could barely see the boys anymore. They had such a mess but boy did the have a great time...they even had time to "shave" their bubbles off while we tried to find a way to drain all of them. They were laughing so hard, and they were so cute....pictures can't even come close!

Until my next post...

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