Monday, August 20, 2007

First day of 2nd grade!

Well, I'm happy to report that Matthew survived his 1st day of second grade at his new school....
it was a close call though having to sit between 2 girls at lunch that he didn't know. Ha!
It was a beautiful, sunny day, a little hot but I guess that's what you get in August in FL. But Sean and I both took Matthew to school for his first day. After all the pictures we took, I'm sure next year he'll suggest we stay home! ha! You could tell he was really embarrassed but still let me snap the pictures anyway, and his teacher was so nice and was encouraging us to take all the pictures we wanted, like I need that kind of encouragement.....
Anyway, after I finally finished my last shot of him then my sister went in and started snapping shots of her own as well. I know he just wanted to crawl under his desk and hide...poor little guy. He was a good sport about it though and smiled for all the pictures. He seems to have had a pretty good day, all that we could drag out of him at the end of the day was that they had indoor recess because it was too hot and they didn't get snack today for some reason so he was starving. They did get lunch but that just wasn't good enough. So we took him (along with Sis, Kenzie, Keegan, Mom, Hunter, Sean and myself) to Friendly's for dinner and ice cream, actually as it turns out we had ice cream first and then dinner...the waiter thought we were nuts. But the kids ate all of their dinner so maybe ice cream first is the way to go? After that we went to our library here for the first time to do his homework and read books since we haven't gotten to unpacking our books just yet. We ended up staying there until 7:30pm....what a long day! Anyway, he had a wonderful day but of course didn't meet anyone new. So tonight we worked on how he could start conversations with the girls in the lunch room...we'll see how tomorrow goes for him, he'll have to speak to them eventually right?

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