Thursday, August 16, 2007

Summer's coming to an end...

Although you would never know by the heat that's here...our summer in FL is coming to a quick end. The kids are back to school on Monday, another summer has come and gone, bummer! The kids went to meet their new teachers today. Hunter will be going to the Pre-K program at a private Christian School because he missed the cut-off for kindergarten here by 5 days! We tried to get them to test him in but it's a state law so there's no way around it...I guess it's not such a bad thing to be the oldest in the class, hopefully it'll work to his advantage at some point. His teachers are Ms. Shannon and Ms. Robin, they both seem so nice and the school was awesome, I think he'll really like going there. His favorite part was the huge sand pit they had at their playground. His classroom also had centers: Math, Science, Home Living, Blocks and Leisure. It's actually just like what he would have had for kindergarten in VA because he even goes for 15 hours a week, though here he'll be going for 3 5-hour days vs. 5 3-hour days there.

Matthew's new teacher is Mrs. Bird. He was excited to know at least 1 person in his class, not bad considering he's the new kid. His teacher seemed very nice and outgoing and she has promised to bring him out of his shell because he was very shy when she was trying to talk to him. The principal said they put Matthew in her class just because he was shy and if anyone could bring him out of it, it would be her. His favorite part of his new school is that everything is outside. There's no indoor hallways, you have to go outside to get to everything and it's all in modular type buildings...pretty cool. He's now a Hawk rather than a Penguin...guess it's too hot to have a penguin as a mascot around here. He did have his old school in mind though and wore his yellow class t-shirt from last year to his new school today. It'll be an adjustment to not have all of his best buddies around, but hopefully he'll be okay.

We sure miss all our friends in VA and hope that we will have some visitors soon!
Until my next post...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am sure they both will have a good time after they adjust. Matthew's school sounds neat having outdoor hallways. Keep us posted on how his first day went.