Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Off to preschool again...

Okay, so since Hunter missed the cutoff for kindergarten by just 5 days...here we go to preschool again. I think it's going to be a good thing for him to be one of the older kids in his class though, since it seems to have worked well for Matthew. So today was Hunter's first day of school and it was a little nerve racking. He's an old pro when it comes to going to school, but I was so worried with his allergies and how the new teachers would do with him. I didn't have the best feeling when I left because they don't allow him to have his red medicine bag in the room with him, it has to be kept in the office...so I quizzed the teachers on how fast they could get to it and back and they assured me that they run fast. Then one of the parents had a puppy in the classroom with them so I had to complain about that and then I was worried to death that he was going to have an asthma attack or something and the school didn't have any of his asthma medicine...I was a sick wreck when I left him there and was on the verge of tears....but fortunately all was okay. They took good care of him after all....so all those extra gray hairs in my head for no reason at all. Ha! He did inform us though that he got put on the red light which is the bad spot in his class. At least he's honest and shares these things with us but he just has no shame at all...ugh! But when we asked why he got in trouble he said it was because he yelled at a little boy because he kept hitting his Spider Man lunch box...the little boy is lucky all he got was yelled at to be honest...gotta watch for "anger management" as we've come to nick-name Hunter. I just don't know what we're going to do with that little hot head! Anyway, here are some pictures from his first day.

One quick story about our night at home with "study time". I bought all these flash cards at Target in the dollar bin so we're using them at night for study and reading time. So I had the USA flashcards out, and I was amazed by just how many states Matthew could recognize just by their selves...I think he and Raymond did a great job on the computer working on those state puzzles. Anyway, we came to Mississippi and Matthew identified it and said "mom, I can even spell it" and he proceeded to say "m-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i" and Hunter not missing a beat jumps up and says "he said pee pee" and they both started cracking up. Ah the potty humor of boys...when does it ever end?

Until my next post...

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