Saturday, July 7, 2007

Okay, signs of brighter days...

Well, we literally weathered the storms and believe me when I say there were many of them! Oh, let's just say it rained the entire day of the 4th of July while we were at the resort and then my sister's kids both ended up with the stomach flu and had to go to Urgent Care so their trip was cut short, Hunter wasn't feeling well so he ended up in bed by 4 in the afternoon, and Matthew was in bed by 9. Sean did go out to dinner with some friends that were at the resort with us and brought me left overs, I figured someone should still enjoy the holiday. Matthew and I did sit up and watch fireworks on TV though, ironically they were the ones in DC that we've never gone to see in real life when we had the chance. Ha!

So now, it's a whole new day....the kids are all feeling better, Sean and I have put a contract on a house finally after looking at just about everything for sale in the entire state it seems...I'm sure Ray and Jim (our awesome agents) would agree with that. I don't know if it's that we're very indecisive, or that we're just extremely picky....but we did finally make a decision on one house that was really above our budget but we loved it so much and we found out after Ray wrote up the contract that the selling agent forgot to mention that it was in pre-foreclosure. So we decided not to pursue that because from what we hear it's a total hassle and takes a long time to come to terms and closing and we'd really like to have a house sooner than later. So Sean was set to fly out tonight at 9:20pm, meaning he had to be to the airport by 7:20pm and we literally signed a new contract on a new house at 7:00pm....nothing like racing the clock huh? We're extremely excited about the new house though and hope all goes well with the contract. The only thing this house didn't have that we had wanted was a pool but we've already gotten the name of a guy to install a pool once we move in so we're all set if we can get them to agree to our terms. (Picture attached is of our possible new home) Keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer for us to get this house, I know I'll be doing a lot of that myself.

Hunter ended up going home with Sean because his allergies with my sister's cats were just too much and we don't like to see him sick and struggling to breath. Matthew ended up staying though, but I know we'll be making a trip to VA either this coming weekend or the next because I'm already missing Sean and Hunter and they've only been gone for 4 hours now....3 weeks to go, it'll be the longest 3 weeks of my life I'm sure. Anyway, I just wanted to post and let everyone know that I've regrouped, taken a deep breath and ready to give this FL thing an entirely new shot.....that could all change after my first day of work on Monday though. Ha!

Until my next post...Ang


Deanna said...

The house is gorgeous! I will keep my fingers crossed for you guys! I love the glass pane front door and the stonework around the front door. And a 3 car garage---to die for! Good luck on your first day tomorrow---I will be thinking about you........deanna

Unknown said...

all the best for your job and the house looks gorgeous and I am praying to God that you get this house, I showed it to Atul and he is saying we should give thoughts about moving there. he was asking about the real estate market there?

Unknown said...

Beautiful!!! Fingers are crossed. I am sure everything will go well. Tell Sean if he needs anything while he is back in VA, to let us know.