Tuesday, July 3, 2007

What were we thinking?

Okay, so yesterday proved to be more of a challenge for us. Matthew was up all night sick and throwing up and at about 7am I called Kaiser to get advice and they told us to take him to the nearest ER or Urgent Care. He was literally throwing up every half hour all night long, he was so pitiful....and he and I slept (or tried to sleep) in the floor of the bathroom all night long. I woke my sister to find out where the nearest Urgent Care was and turns out they don't open until 1pm so I sort of started to freak out at that point...but then she said, "why don't you just take him to his new doctor"...why didn't I think of that? So the office opens at 8am and we were there at 7:53 and they let us come on in. Turns out he has strep throat, and to put a positive spin on things, the doctors and nurses there were absolutely awesome! So then we brought him home where he just slept the entire day and Sean, Hunter and I went to the coin laundry to wash all the sheets, blankets, pillows, and everything else that had been a victim of that night. We did find time to drive though some neighborhoods as well, but I was so tired, starting to feel a little home sick, and just started to mope from that point on. Then we had seen a dead snake right in the road in front of my sister's house...had the worst thunder and lightening storm I've ever seen, saw that there was a pipe bomb at Disney (the same day Matt and the rest happened to be at Downtown Disney for lunch and at the water park), and Hunter has had so many allergy problems.....I just looked at Sean and said "what were we thinking"! Is it too late for me to go beg for my job back in McLean? My house doesn't hit the market until noon today, so I'll try to stick it out but it's very tempting to just pick up the phone and say "no, stop, I love my house there, I miss my friends....don't sell our house". Sean can't believe I'm already having 2nd thoughts, I would be the last to cave surely......I'll do my best, maybe I'm just tired...that's all. I just hate when my kids are sick, so it can only get better right? Matthew is starting to show signs of life today so it's already a better day....until my next post. Ang




Karen Kommes said...

I am so sorry to hear about all the sad things happening.
The only bad part is that Florida has some of the worst storms I have ever seen. I lived there the summer of '87. But, they come and they go just as quick. I wish you guys the best. Shel will help you out, you know that. Is your mom down there also? I really miss you guys, even though it has been years. Take care and I love ya.



Deanna said...

When you told me yesterday how you were feeling it took all of my being to be supportive of your move. I have regretted it ever since.........thinking that may have been my only chance to convince you to return. If you want me to beg you to come back I will but I know there are so many reasons you made this move and I want to support your decision. We all miss you guys tremendously already. Can't wait to see you for the birtday celebrations :) Hope today was better for you, honestly! Love, Deanna

Stephanie said...

Poor Matt-- I hope he's 100% today! We miss you, too! I told the girls that Matt and Hunter were so close to Disney that they could go there for lunch and they were very jealous :) I'm know things will get better-- hang in there! Think about me on Saturday when I'm trying to shoot this wedding without you :(

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear about about Matthew. That is definitely not fun for anyone. Glad it was just strep. Give him hugs from us. We miss you too!