Sunday, September 7, 2008

Star Wars Days at Disney

The boys have been counting down to "Star Wars Days at Disney" and my sister told me that we better go by 6/9 because that's when our passes are no longer valid for the summer with the FL Resident passes. Well, we went on Saturday 6/7 and the boys were so excited upon seeing all the Star Wars stuff set up along the way and we get to the gate and the tickets wouldn't work...turns out the blackout dates started 6/7....I felt TERRIBLE! The boys wanted to go in so bad because there were so many cool things set up that they could see from outside the gate but of course we went late in the day and I wasn't about to pay $400+ for us to go spend 5 hours at Disney with those kinds of crowds. So to make it up to them, we headed on down to SeaWorld After Dark which we had never been to so they were okay with that. Next year we'll plan a little better for Star Wars...but here are some pictures that we did get to take outside the gates. Ha!

Lord help me!

Seems that nothing is off limits when boys are involved. One night I hear laughing and go to investigate and I find two monkeys climbing on our kitchen appliances like it's a playground. They hold the handles of the fridge and climb to the top...of course that's where I USED TO keep the toys that got taken away for being bad....guess you never can outsmart the will of 2 boys! And of course I had to take pictures before putting them in time out. HA!

Hunter being his silly self...

Kenzie came over and had her girly high heel boots and of course Hunter just had to try them on. He seems to think because they make him higher that they'll make him jump higher as well. I tell you there's never a dull moment with that kid around...NEVER EVER!

Hunter's school field day

Okay, what better way to spend a hot June day than volunteering to be outside all day. Immediately following Matthew's block party I had to race off to Hunter's school where I was volunteering for his field day. They had a lot of water games set up though, so that was pretty nice. I can't say I didn't run through the sprinkler a time or two myself. Fortunately, or I guess I should say unfortunatly perhaps....Hunter had an allergic reaction to something and broke out in hives so we had to leave early. I'm guessing it wasn't such a bad thing though since it was truly so hot and he's not a huge fan of cold water anyway. And he can't stand to be dirty so when the other kids were having a shaving cream fight he was hiding behind his teacher the entire time! They were all instructed not to get him, and I'm so glad they didn't, he would have truly freaked out with that! Ha! They also had a water slide set up, a moon bounce, and bubbles. The pictures here are from my station, the kids had to soak a sponge with water and then run down and ring as much of it into a bucket as they could and the first team to fill their buckets won. Hunter was so serious, he's certainly a competative one!

2nd Grade Block Party

June 2nd was Matthew's school, 2nd grade block party. I went to volunteer and got to work the water balloon area. Oh, and did I mention I was one of the lucky ones along with a few others that got to provide all the FILLED water balloons as well?! My fingers were so sore from tying all those darn balloons, not to mention I looked like I had jumped into a pool I was soaked from some of the popping or slipping off the hose. The kids got a kick out of seeing me fill them and kept stealing them forcing me to fill more. But the next day when I saw how much fun the kids had with those balloons, it made it all worth it. They also had musical chairs, a snack table, a drink table, side walk chalk and the best section (besides the water balloons of course) they all got to sign each other's shirts. It was a good time, it was just a little too hot, but I guess that's why they enjoyed the water balloons even more. And the great thing is that we had a ton left over so we had a huge water balloon fight at the end as well!

Hunter's Pre-K Graduation

Okay, I know he graduated preschool last year in VA but he missed the cutoff in FL by 5 days so he had to go to Pre-K again. The good thing is that it was just like kindergarten in VA because he went for 15 hours a week, but he went for 3 5-hour days rather than 5 3-hour days. I think it was a good adjustment for him since they do full day kindergarten in FL and he really learned so much. His graduation was adorable and of course I cried all over again....I don't think these graduations ever get easier...

Girl's Night for Sis' Birthday

The girls all went out to High Tide Harry's to celebrate my Sister's birthday. It was a lot of fun but we had to cut it short since it was a week night. Great food though, and of course great company!