Sunday, September 7, 2008

Star Wars Days at Disney

The boys have been counting down to "Star Wars Days at Disney" and my sister told me that we better go by 6/9 because that's when our passes are no longer valid for the summer with the FL Resident passes. Well, we went on Saturday 6/7 and the boys were so excited upon seeing all the Star Wars stuff set up along the way and we get to the gate and the tickets wouldn't work...turns out the blackout dates started 6/7....I felt TERRIBLE! The boys wanted to go in so bad because there were so many cool things set up that they could see from outside the gate but of course we went late in the day and I wasn't about to pay $400+ for us to go spend 5 hours at Disney with those kinds of crowds. So to make it up to them, we headed on down to SeaWorld After Dark which we had never been to so they were okay with that. Next year we'll plan a little better for Star Wars...but here are some pictures that we did get to take outside the gates. Ha!

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