Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hunter's school field day

Okay, what better way to spend a hot June day than volunteering to be outside all day. Immediately following Matthew's block party I had to race off to Hunter's school where I was volunteering for his field day. They had a lot of water games set up though, so that was pretty nice. I can't say I didn't run through the sprinkler a time or two myself. Fortunately, or I guess I should say unfortunatly perhaps....Hunter had an allergic reaction to something and broke out in hives so we had to leave early. I'm guessing it wasn't such a bad thing though since it was truly so hot and he's not a huge fan of cold water anyway. And he can't stand to be dirty so when the other kids were having a shaving cream fight he was hiding behind his teacher the entire time! They were all instructed not to get him, and I'm so glad they didn't, he would have truly freaked out with that! Ha! They also had a water slide set up, a moon bounce, and bubbles. The pictures here are from my station, the kids had to soak a sponge with water and then run down and ring as much of it into a bucket as they could and the first team to fill their buckets won. Hunter was so serious, he's certainly a competative one!

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