Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hiking on High Knob

High Knob is one of my favorite places back home. I have such fond memories of going sledding with my family when I was younger and flying down the mountain and crashing into a snow bank. My sister and I used to go up there with friends and hang out, and now I love to take the boys up there to go for hikes and explore some of the caves. They had a great time hiking and exploring and it had been so long that they really didn't remember any of it, so it was like a whole new experience. There's a place there called Flag Rock and it's literally just this rock that is out by itself with a flag in it, the boys were so impressed and wanted to know how that flag got there. I've hiked to it several times in my younger years but hear that it's illegal to do it I guess they'll never find out how it got there. ha! You do have to go through several scary caves and it's a tough hike for sure. Here are some pictures from our adventures.

1 comment:

Deike said...

That is way cool. Sounds like a really cool place to explore.