Friday, February 20, 2009

The slacker is back...but for how long?

Okay, I know what I blog slacker I've been...that just goes right along with everything else I've totally slacked on too: Birthdays, scrapbooks, house cleaning....the list goes on and on. I tell you, I've really got to come to terms with the fact that we ARE NOT on vacation, we are actually living here in sunny Fl. Anyway, this weekend it's supposed to be cold (60's, you know that's arctic here) so I'm going to do my very best to post pictures from past events and get back up to date and post more often. So here we go....I promise to attempt to do better.
By the way...did I mention I'm working 5 days a week now? Oh, and that I'm still taking classes? ...and VP of the PTA, and on the School Advisory Committee, and doing the school memory book, and helping with cub scouts, and classroom mom....don't even get me started on the rest of the list. Ha! I know that's still no excuse to be a I'll try to avoid any more excuses. Hope all is well with everyone who reads the blog, and to my long lost friends and family....HELLO!!! Still waiting on visitors!

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