Friday, February 20, 2009

Hollywood Studios

We hadn't been to Disney in a while (for us anyway) and so we decided to go to Hollywood Studios for the day. Makenzie ended up going with us hoping that we would ride the Rockin' Roller coaster...which of course we did! We couldn't get any of them to go on the Tower of Terror, but Hunter and Sean went on the Great Movie Ride and of course we couldn't leave without doing the Star Tours (Star Wars) ride. The kids decided this time to go to the Disney art school to learn to draw a character as well. Of all the characters they each hoped for, not a chance that's what we got to learn. We got to draw Tink. I thought the boys would complain and want to leave right away, but they went right along with it. They LOVE to draw so I guess it didn't really matter if there was a chance at landing a job doing art for Disney one day. ha! I wish I could figure a way to scan the pictures and post them because all 3 kids did an amazing job! Mine of course looked more like an alien than a fairy, but I'm not claiming to be one that can draw...there's good reason why I went to school for photography. Sean's looked like a real image of her...what a show off he is! He's a really good artist actually but he would never admit it to anyone. I guess that's where my boys get their talent as certainly wasn't from me!

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