Friday, February 20, 2009

3 words that Matthew has been saying for a while...

BLUE MAN GROUP! He's been wanting to see this show since he first saw it advertised a couple of years ago. So for his birthday, that's what we did. I must say it was a very unique show and full of was a bit much for me but the kids really seemed to enjoy it. I'm not saying I didn't like it because I really did...but I would have preferred to go see some other calm show probably. This is definitely high energy and strange to say the least. At one point, which totally freaked me out by the way, they pulled paper over the entire audience and it just kept going and going and going until finally the roll was empty. Being claustrophobic I must say that I was borderline panic attack at one point. I kept breaking the paper off and the person behind me would just throw it right back on me...I didn't think it was ever going to end. The guys in the show were pretty cool though, I'm not sure how they kept such a serious face the entire time. I would recommend the show, but we had discounted tickets so it made it more of a worth your money kind of show. I think I might have been a little upset at paying $80+ per seat but at $45 a seat it was worth it.

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