Friday, February 20, 2009

Sean's 40th birthday

I decided to try to pull off a surprise party for Sean's 40th. I did posters of the past 40 years of his life, I had the cake made with his birth certificate and baby picture, and we even played games that were based on Sean and his favorite things and little known facts. Also, I did a trivia game about sports events from the year he was born and I even had prizes. Friends of ours from VA were in town on vacation so I did the party a week early so they could be included. We were staying in a hotel down in the touristy area with them and so I decided to book his party close to the hotel so he wouldn't have a clue. I booked it at the Front Row Sports Bar and we had the entire upstairs party room. There was an arcade for the kids too which made it really nice. So I had my sister pick up the cake and she and the rest of our friends took care of decorating as well. When we got there the code for us being "the birthday party surprise" was that I asked for a table "where we could see the Redskins game"...which just happened to be on that night. I took it that there wouldn't be many of those particular requests in this area...and I'm thinking I was right. Anyway, when we got there he was so surprised. The really funny part is that he was lagging pretty far behind so I tried to get ahead so I could take a picture when he saw everyone but when I came up, Rick (Sean's brother) thought he was with me and jumped out and yelled surprise but Sean wasn't there. So Rick just took off running to find him yelling surprise the entire way. Sean was like "what is going on" and the look on Sean's mom's face when Rick did that was priceless...I should have gotten a picture of that more than Sean's look to be honest. So then when Sean got to the actual group it was like a really bummed out sort of "oh...surprise". ha! He really was in total shock that everyone came out...and if you can't tell by my hair in the pictures, it was pouring rain! So he thought even more of it that everyone would come out in a monsoon to celebrate his birthday. I'm glad those big years don't come often because I'll have to start saving up now to pay for the 5oth and how do I top this one? We all had a really good time, even the kids.

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