Friday, February 20, 2009

School Skate Party

So this brings me up to 9-18-08....I've posted almost an entire year in one night, now why can't I do something like this on a normal basis? I guess because I like to procrastinate...not to mention it's cold out so I'm really sort of stuck inside anyway. ha!

This post is to share pictures of the school skate party. I know it's hard to tell by the way Hunter is hugging the wall in the picture, but this was his first time on skates. He did pretty good actually, but never made it a full loop around the rink. Matthew was an old pro of course, and just went out to have fun with his friends and left us in the dust. The kids all had a really good time and we (I say we because I was a part of the PTA that put the party sister was the chair of the event) raised a lot of money for the school. We had a DJ, gave away door prizes and even 1 lucky kid won a pair of roller skates. I'm not so sure Hunter was a huge fan of skating but he did like just running around and seeing all of his friends so it all worked out.

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