Friday, February 20, 2009

The boys and their weekend activities

Hunter decided he wanted to take golf and Matthew wanted to do bowling and of course they were on complete separate ends of town. So Sean went one direction (Hunter to golf) and I went the other (Matt to bowling). Turns out after just one day, they both quit! Now Matthew takes golf and Hunter does gymnastics...quite a switch huh? Sean and I were both pretty happy not to have to go to the bowling alley all day on Saturday so we didn't discourage Matt from quitting. Hunter still goes to golf on occasion but he's more interested in the gym for sure. Matthew is good at golf when he actually stays focused, but that typically only happens when there's candy rewards involved. Hunter is great at gymnastics but insists that he hates it but can't wait to go to class again...we can't figure him out. They're both taking tennis lessons now of that to be posted later.

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