Friday, February 20, 2009

Meet the teachers

We got to go to the school and meet the kids' new teachers. Matthew's 3rd grade teacher is Mrs. Gendron and Hunter got Mrs. Whetzel for kindergarten. Hunter had hoped to get Mrs. Whetzel because he knew her, just happens to be the mom of one of his good buddies from pre-school. We didn't really know any of the 3rd grade teachers so we had no clue what to expect but I have to say that we've had a wonderful year and couldn't ask for better teachers! Matthew's teacher is really good to push him because as she says "he has the L-A-Z-Y gene". ha! He's such a smart kid but will only do what he's pushed to do, not a real self motivated type. Hunter is a great student from what we hear, I think he saves up all the bad for us at home. ha! They're both great kids though and doing super in school. They are both on the honor roll so we can't ask for much more than that.

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