Friday, February 20, 2009

Garrett came for a visit

My nephew Garrett from Va came to visit. It was so good to see him, it had obviously been entirely too long because he totally grew up on us this time! He's so cute and such a sweet kid, we really had a good time hanging out with him but we didn't get to see him much because his dad had plenty of travels in store for him. We did get to keep him for the first night to have dinner and hang out and we got to see him before he went home. I took him out for a birthday shopping spree, and he has GREAT taste! We ended up at the surf shop and then ate almost an entire pizza with just the 2 of us. We had a really fun day.

As for my birthday this month...I had a really good one. We went to Outback with friends to celebrate on my actual birthday and then all the girls took me to Macaroni Grill the following week. I got a lot of nice gifts too...who says getting older is a bad thing? The problem is I don't really have any know since at that point I had lost my camera and didn't have a new one yet. That makes updating my blog a bit easier because I get to skip ahead some. ha!

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