Friday, February 20, 2009

Picking up in July 2008 with my trip to Norton

Okay, so we had a wonderful time in Norton but it was time to head back home. So we drove to Roanoke and spent the night because we had to be at the airport so early the next morning. Did I mention that you can fly from Tri-Citis to Orlando for $19/one-way on Allegiant Air? Highly recommended airline, we love it! Anyway...on the flight back I left my wait, my entire camera bag with extra lenses, batteries and charger...on the plane! guessed it...never to be found again! I was so upset, but fortunately I had 2 of my memory cards in my purse so I didn't lose all my pictures. The worst part is that I had a wedding to do in 3 days. I scrambled and begged and borrowed and it all worked out okay. I've since bought a new (well used but new to me) camera and I also got a handy point and shoot to take places so I don't stand to lose my good camera anymore. Anyway....on with my posts.

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