Friday, February 20, 2009

My dad comes to visit

My dad came at just the right time...right AFTER the hurricane. We didn't have any real damage but a ton of flooding. As a matter of fact, the lake that we go over from the airport was just barely under the bridge and extended for about 15 miles past where it normally stops. People were having to keep their doors closed on their houses to keep the fish and alligators out. YUK! Thankfully we didn't buy a house on any water so that wasn't a worry for us. We had a tiny leak in my closet and that was it thankfully. So we had sunny beautiful days right after the storm, just in time for his visit....I wish I had that kind of timing, but I typically would land during the hurricane, it's just that amazing luck of mine. We loved having my dad in town but of course it was entirely too short of a visit, and the terrible part about anyone coming is they always have to leave...that's the hard part!

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