Friday, February 20, 2009

Party time...or not...

We had planned a birthday party for Matthew and Hunter together on Friday 10/10. Well, all was going great until Hunter walked in from school. He said "I don't feel so good" so we had him lay down a bit and the next thing you know...the puking started. What terrible timing huh? 2 hours before his party he gets sick...I couldn't believe it! And I couldn't exactly cancel the party because 1) we had 40 kids coming and 2) Matthew could still make it to the party. So we decided to go ahead and have the party and leave poor Hunter at home. He was so upset at first but then he said "will I still get presents" and when we told him of course he would...he was totally fine with being home in bed. I guess I should mention that he was really sad to miss going to play with his friends too...the place we have their party is so much fun. But Hunter wasn't the only one to miss the party, a couple of other friends were sick and one of their other little friends fell and hit her head about 15 minutes into the party and had to leave to go to Urgent Care. Overall it was a good party, but I hated all the mishaps along the way. We promised to take those kids back that had missed the party, and they even gave Hunter a free pass to come one day, but we haven't made it back yet. I keep telling Hunter we will go though, I'm surprised he hasn't held me to it yet. It was so pitiful to see him so miserable though, and all his little friends were so disappointed. I think this event might have ended our big birthday bashes and we'll maybe stick to smaller individual parties next time so we could actually cancel and reschedule for something like this....of course I hope this NEVER happens again but with our record, I'm sure it will. Not being pessimistic, just real.

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