Friday, February 20, 2009

Day at the beach

Well, I guess my dad is a weather man of sorts because he had planned to go to the beach but when we got up it was pouring rain. I said "well, I guess the beach is out" and he's like "I can't come to FL and not go to the beach, let's load up and go anyway"....and so we did. Poor Sean, what a trooper he was driving in that downpour with me and my backseat driver self telling him to slow down, turn on the wipers, stay back from that car...ugh. I'm a terrible passenger and driver in the all goes back to my sister wrecking us on US 81 in VA once, that's a whole separate post all together. ( :
Anyway, as soon as we pulled into the beach the rain stopped....I couldn't believe it! Turned out to be an awesome day and we basically had the entire beach to ourselves! My dad learned the hard lesson about waves and hurricane season though, he broke his toe when a wave picked him up like a small child and tossed him furiously into the sand. His toe was purple in a matter of seconds. Didn't stop him though, he was a boogie boarding fool! I even ventured out with him, I think more because I was afraid a rip current was going to sweep him away so I wanted to stay close to rescue him before he went out to sea. We wouldn't let the kids get too far into the water though because these were the most brutal waves I've ever seen. They just stuck to fishing, and caught a ton of fish in their nets and they even caught a crab. We also went to the manatee observation deck and saw the manatees. I'm not sure why we like to go look at them because they're not the most exciting creatures, but I guess because we can...we do. Some things we do out of the love for it (beach) and others out of habit (manatees).

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