Thursday, November 6, 2008

Trip to Norton in July

We finally got to make another trip back to Norton to visit family. We flew into Roanoke, VA and drove the 3 hours in to Norton because fares were so much cheaper that way. We've been away from mountains for so long (I mean honestly, Orlando doesn't even have so much as a hill) that when we were landing the boys were in awe! With all the clouds that looked like snow Hunter thought we had taken a detour to the North Pole. ha! We were all very excited to get to town and see family...and turns out they put together a little family reunion while we were there as well. Not all my cousins made it but I did get to see a few. We had a really great time hanging out. Here are some pictures of me with my tiny baby brother Adam, me and Aleisha with dad, me with all my cousins that got to attend, and my Mamaw with all the great grand kids that were there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, when did Adam grow up? I feel old.