Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Gator time at Lake Jessup

For Rick's birthday we went to The Black Hammack which is located on Lake Jessup. If you've never heard of Lake Jessup let me fill you in.....it's gator infested! There's more gators in that lake than all the others combined and when they find strays, that's where they bring them to live! So we ended up going on an air boat ride in search of them. I must say I wasn't half as fascinated by the gators as I was the speed of that boat and that thing could turn on a dime! I would do that again in a split second really and would strongly encourage you to be sure to do it if you're ever here for a visit. You go flying over the water and into these swampy coves and as soon as he turns the engine off and it's quiet, all these gators heads pop up out of the water....really freaky! We had so much fun though and afterwards we all got to go back and hold "Pork Chop" the baby gator. Hunter wanted to take him home I think....we had so much fun though and I can't wait to go back again sometime!

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