Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Island's of Adventure

Sean's cousin's daughter, Casey, was here visiting for a couple of weeks and so we decided to take a girl's day at a park. We ended up at Island's of Adventure and just as we got into the park it started pouring rain. Well, it's going to take a bit more than that to get us off the trill rides, I'll tell you that. So we rode EVERYTHING and figured since we were already wet, why not jump on all the water rides too. Well, little did we know that we could get much wetter than we already were. After the sun went down we got a bit chilly too. We ended up going to dinner after the park closed at Margaritaville and asked to sit outside just so we could try to warm up. We had a great time, but boy were we all exhausted....we even wore down the teenager!

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