Thursday, October 2, 2008

Circus School

Okay, so I know most of you think we're just a bunch of clowns but now we've officially gone to circus school so it's likely to be even worse! We're not only good at being total clowns but Matthew and I braved the trapeze. He did the "swing of death"....Hunter was in line but as soon as he heard the guy say "you'll do two forward rolls, then run with your hands up and take the "swing of death"....the daredevil sat right down! I guess I don't blame him, that probably would have scared me a bit too, but I was shocked that Matthew went on and did it because he takes things like that very literal too. I did the adult trapeze and the worst part was climbing up that tiny ladder with bare feet. I thought I'd never get to the top. The swing out wasn't bad but it did show me just how weak I am because it was a struggle to hold on. Then I had to flip my feet through and hang upside down and then I flipped off the trapeze to the net below for my dismount. I even had to do a flip off the net to the ground. It was really cool....I only wish I wouldn't have been wearing a dress! Granted, I did have my swim suit on under it, but still I'm sure those people below got way more of a view than what they bargained for.....oops! Ha!

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