Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Club Med Vacation....

Okay, I'm not even sure where to start with this. We finally got to take a real, family vacation some place other than Orlando (since we live here now) and where did we go....FL! We went to a Club Med, all-inclusive resort though called Sandpiper at St. Lucie. It was the best vacation we've ever been on, and that's actually saying quite a bit because Sean and I used to take some really cool trips in our day. When I say "all-inclusive" I mean everything was included. We didn't pay for drinks, food, tips, was all in the cost of the resort. We got a great deal too by the way because we did the "last minute deal"....I know shocker that I, queen procrastinator would plan anything last minute right? See, putting things off has its benefits sometimes! Ha! Anyway, it was all so amazing....the kids got to go to kids club all day. You could drop them off at 9:00AM and pick them up at 5:30PM (just to get them ready for dinner), drop them back at 6:30PM and pick them up again around 8:00PM. The first day there we all just relaxed and hung out, didn't really do a ton because it was raining. The next day we decided to put the kids into the kid's club. Well they threw the biggest fit, and Matthew says "I thought you brought us on vacation to spend time with us, not to drop us off with complete strangers!" Ha! It was really funny because the entire time he was just sobbing! So we talked them into going and promised to pick them up by lunch. The kids club is broken out by ages all the way from tiny infants to teens. They take the groups on age appropriate activities and they get to choose from 2 different things every hour! So at lunch we went to pick up the kids and they totally blew us off...."oh, just come back later and get us." What a turn around huh? So we went back at 5:30 and they still didn't want to leave....but they had to at least for an hour. They got to do so many different things and it was so strange to just relax by a pool and not worry about the kids falling in or going under or whatever. Sean and I played tennis, volleyball, and he even worked in a little water aerobics...I have a video, it's a must see! I of course chose to float around on my raft while he was working out with the girls. Ha! Anyway, the next several posts are going to be broken up into our different activities....we were only there for 4 days but we covered a lot of ground and took loads of pictures of course! We can't wait to go back and would strongly encourage anyone that's looking for a great vacation spot to check it out! I must warn you, it's not total glam by no means but if you're just looking for a laid back fun place to go where you can have adult time and the kids are totally safe and amused....this would be it!

1 comment:


I want to go...I heard it was totally cool but pricey. I guess last minute is the way to go.