Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Our sailing adventure

We took the kids out of the club and talked them into going sailing with us because they wouldn't do it with the class for some reason. We figured this would be something they would all enjoy so we talked them into it with us. We all went through the sailing class together and then we got to go out on a boat. We had it going at a pretty good rate, and were off and about and the kids were loving sitting on the trampoline part and getting splashed with the water. But after a while the wind died down and we found out what they were talking about with the "DEAD ZONE". It literally took us like 30 minutes to get it all worked out again but finally Sean figured out what to do and found some wind again so we actually did make it back in to shore. The kids liked the "going fast" part better than being stuck....guess I don't blame them really. Ha! We all had a great time though. I felt bad because Keegan was sick so he really didn't get to much with us, next year he'll get in the game hopefully!

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