Wednesday, April 23, 2008

15 years of service

It's hard to believe, but I just got my 15 year service award at work. Who knew I could stick with anything that long? Ha! They presented my award to me in our division staff meeting where there were tons of people that I didn't know. There had to be over a hundred people there, which is why I dressed up....well, that's dressing up for me anyway. Ha! After the all hands meeting we had a little BBQ and brownies...what's not to like? Now I get to pick a prize out of the 15 year catalog....I'm looking at maybe getting the grill since we left ours in VA. Sean just got his 20 year service award as well but wouldn't hold his plaque for a picture....not a team player at all. ha! Maybe I'll let him get the grill since the 20 year catalog has a nicer one and I'll just get something else....oh, all these decisions. Until my next post...

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