Sunday, April 6, 2008

Soccer time

Hunter decided to play soccer for the Spring so this should be interesting. He's never played an organized team sport so this could be really good or really bad...I'm hoping really good. He seems to be very energetic and ready to go to practices and at his first game he actually scored a goal....too bad it was for the wrong team. ha! I told him he did a great job but we score in the other goal and he walked off crying hysterically shouting "I'm horrible at this game...horrible". ha! That's the Hunter we all know and love right there. ( : He's doing great though and seems to be having a lot of fun so hopefully it'll be a great soccer season for us. Rick and Sean are coaching and I'm helping out at practices...basically because I'm loud so the kids respond to me a little better. Ha! Our team name is the "Gators" as a TN fan that's not good but what can you do, I was out voted by 12 5 year olds. Their jerseys are even orange though so the Vols would have worked out nicely really....maybe next year.

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