Monday, April 7, 2008

Off with the training wheels

Sunday night Hunter came in and asked Sean if he would take the training wheels off his bike and Sean promised that Monday when we got home from work he would. So Monday evening Hunter comes in and says "I'm ready to take the training wheels off now" but I had no idea they had come up with that agreement so I asked him to wait until the next day because Monday is Monday and after work you have little desire to do anything else. Well he then said "but dad promised" and Sean overheard that and came out and said "yes, I promised so I'll do it". Well no sooner than Sean got those wheels off, Hunter jumped on his bike and took off! It was like he had always been riding without them, no help, nothing...just took off. He had one stopping accident where he ended up in the bush because he didn't hit his breaks hard enough, but very minor and he was right back on track. He rode for hours, we literally had to drag him in at dark. Now he's trying to ride standing up and with one hand....Lord help me to survive this kid! We were so proud of him though and he was so excited that he wanted to go ride his bike to everyone's house and show them how good he could ride on 2 wheels. Instead of traveling with bike in tow...we've decided to post pictures to you instead. ( ;

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