Thursday, April 3, 2008

Easter egg hunt

There was an Easter Egg Hunt at Hunter's school and we had to send in 12 eggs filled with prizes with his name on them as did every kid. So these kids not only had to search for eggs but they could only pick up their own to put into the basket. It actually worked out great because I didn't have to worry about Hunter getting anything that he was allergic to in his eggs and all of the kids had a great time. It was pretty warm out that day, but they were only out for about a half hour so it worked out. I took off work long enough to come watch and video tape all the excitement of the hunt...the kids all had a great time. Here are some pictures that I took, of Hunter with my Sis, Mom, me, Keegan and his 3 teachers...Ms. Monica, Ms. Robin and Ms. Shannon. He loves all of the dearly, they have been such awesome teachers...I actually dread him going to another school next year.

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