Monday, June 25, 2007

2 days left...

Well, I already missed a post on my blog but honestly it wasn't until 12:30am that I finally got the chance to do it and at that point I decided that it was already the next day so I might as well just skip it and go to bed. I have found an entirely new level of exhaustion and if I never have to pack or move another box again in this lifetime it'll be too soon. Ha! We made great progress yesterday, our yard is weed free, our garage could probably actually hold 2 cars now, and all the scrapes, markings and stickers are removed from our walls. Now I see just why we bought this house to begin with, it really is a beautiful house. But after working all day the entire weekend we still have one level left to pack up. I feel bad for anyone with these big huge homes that they will have to pack up one day....ugh! I think I did finally talk Sean into having someone actually move us rather than us having to do any of the work. So we're getting estimates now to have movers come in, load the truck, drive it to FL and unload. I'm hoping it all works out and won't require me getting a 2nd or 3rd job to pay for it...but I'd be willing to get an extra job if it would keep me from having to move all our furniture out and back in, that's for sure!
As for the kids, they managed to find a way to hide some little plastic tree frog toy under one of my plants on the top shelf of my kitchen and as I was dusting I stumbled upon it. I know they didn't do it on purpose, but I just can't get used to stumbling upon these crazy creatures hiding under leaves. I was happy that I didn't take a dive off the kitchen counter that I was standing on when I saw it, that could have been would, however, have gotten me out of a little bit of packing. Ha! Poor Hunter wrecked on his scooter too and now he has a huge bruise and scrape on one side of his face and a fat lip from his dentist visit (he bit a hole in his lip while it was numb for anyone who wasn't aware of that bit of was so bad and needed stitches but they couldn't because it was just a chunk missing so there was nothing to stitch). He looks exactly like I feel...all beat up! Matthew has just kept low key and quiet and stayed most of the weekend with the Cosgroves, he'd probably just move in with them if we'd let him...he and Raymond are like twins separated at birth...
My co-workers took me out to lunch today to celebrate my last days here in the McLean office. They took me to Maggiano's where I of course over ate to the fullest degree! I had at least 2 servings of everything and as if that weren't enough, I think I went back for 3rds on the desert....what was I thinking? They also gave me $100 cash as a departure gift and I thought for a minute that I was going to have to use it already to go through the mall and buy me some bigger pants. Ha! My stomach is still hurting and full, but it was so worth it! I have the most amazing group of friends around here, and none of them are making it any easier to pack up and leave....the only thought that keeps me positive is that they have all promised to come visit us in FL! I'm getting it all in writing too so I'm holding each of them to their promises!
Off tonight to meet with our realtor and hopefully get our house up on the market and sold.
And I just realized today that with all these gatherings and postings there's no pictures...I'm such a slacker! I haven't been taking any pictures of these gatherings and I think it's because I'm just too tired to actually lift my camera to my face or I'm too tired to think of taking it with me. So I have no pictures from this weekend at can I do a moving scrapbook with no moving pictures? UGH!


Raymond said...

i really liked it. maybe he can move in someday!
College roomates?!!

JonezBoyzMom said...

You need to use PODS for moving, since you don't have a house as of yet. They can store your stuff in their warehouse & deliver it once you have a place. Try