Saturday, June 23, 2007

Racing the clock...

Okay, so I'm racing the clock now to post onto my blog because I'm committed to this as promised. Today was a draining day but we still managed to fit some visiting time in. We started the day off with a HUGE garage sale...huge, in that we had so much crap sitting out to get rid of, it was hard to believe that we still had closets full of clothes and a house still full of toys. Anyway, the yard sale was a pretty good success, but we gave up hours earlier than we had posted because we were just too tired so we took the easy route and posted a sign in our driveway that said "free, please take what you want". I'm thinking from the looks of how much stuff we still have to pack that we should have put the sign on our front door instead. Ha! We made enough money to put a good deposit on a new computer for the boys though because that's what they've been asking for and the bulk of the sales came from their toys anyway. We made $287 and the bulk of it came 50 cents at a time if that gives you any idea at all just how much stuff we had out to sell. Anyway, the day wasn't a total loss because we had a visit from Carol (Sean's mom) who was here for a reunion so it was nice to have a visitor and take a break. Then we had a very relaxing night hanging out with our friends for dinner and drinks, thanks again Deanna, Ted, Dria, and Raymond for everything you guys have done: keeping the kids, helping with boxes, feeding us dinner and drinks, and being our driver when someone needs to go guys are the best! Also, while I'm thanking people....Namita saved me with some packing boxes, so thanks to her for not only giving up their boxes but bringing them over to me too! What are we going to do without all of our friends around to spoil us?
Well, we have a busy day packed full of cleaning, yard work and packing...sounds like fun I know. So I better get to sleep so I can get up bright and early to get started...I just can't wait! 3 days and counting until I leave to become a Florida resident, this week has flown by so quickly. I'm so excited to get to FL and go house shopping and get settled in....but I regret that we haven't had more time to spend with all our friends here before we leave....most of them I won't even get to see before we go...but it makes it easier I guess to not have to say goodbye anyway.

1 comment:


I am going to miss you guys!!