Thursday, June 21, 2007

My venture into the times of 2007...

Well, I've been seeing and hearing all about these "blogs" so I decided to give it a try....I mean since I'm the only person in Northern Virginia without TIVO I figure this blog will be my best attempt to get within the year of 2007. Also, since we are packing up to move South to Orlando, FL in less than a week, I figured it would be a great way for me to keep everyone in the know as to what we're doing and how we're surviving the extreme heat. I mean what were we thinking, moving to Orlando in the summer anyway? I guess if we can survive July there then we'll be okay...until hurricane season that is. Ha! I'll post more later but wanted to say hello and welcome to my new blog, I hope to have many happy posts!


Unknown said...
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Sis said...

Just think, you will only be 10 - 15 minutes from your office (15 on a rainy day)! AND our kids will FINALLY be able to grow up together (we will get to hear all the fun stories we told Mom IF we survive it - sure hope it's not Keegan in the floor board or trunk!!!). lol Can't wait till you guys get here.

Liz said...

Hey Angie, I can't believe it's that time! I was just asking John last night how things were going with the move and everything. We will miss you all something terrible! I know John will miss Sean at work. We may be heading back down there the last weekend in August. We have reservations at the JW at Grand Lakes and Cypress Harbor right now. Still not sure yet. Hope it works out that we get to see you all!

Unknown said...

It's just going to be so hard to say buy to you guys, till now I am in the denial stage. This is a good way in keeping touch with you guys.