Thursday, June 28, 2007

So far so good...

Well, we all made it here what? I arrived yesterday at the auto train station around 2:30pm and no sooner than they drove off in my car, it started pouring rain. I got in line and got checked in with no problems and while I was there a guy offered me a great deal to rent a DVD to take on the train and return at the station in FL....boy am I glad I took him up on the offer. With 17 hours on the train to kill, it worked out great. The train took off at 4pm, I had dinner at 5pm where I ensured a good nights sleep with a couple bottles of wine...that's a lot for a light weight drinker like me...(I'm sure Deanna and Sis would be proud). Ha! Anyway, back after dinner to watch 3 movies and then I was knocked out for the night. I woke up about every hour to flip over because the seats weren't that huge but it really was quite cozy, not bad...I would highly recommend the train, but I think I'll get a sleeper the next time. I slept in until 7am when the crowds walking by woke me, so I was off to breakfast. After that I watched one last movie and the train came in to the station ahead of schedule so I was in FL by 9am. It took a little while to get the cars unloaded and I was really happy about that so I could finish watching my last movie, Deja Vu, pretty good movie. Then I got my car and was off to my sister's house. I got here, moved all my stuff in out of the car, except my safe (which came in handy at the DMV) when I went to get my FL driver's license. I had lunch with family, took Kenzie, Keegan and Lexy back to watch them swim for a while to kill time until Sean and the boys got here on the plane. They landed right on time and Carol went to pick them up for me so Sis and I could go to get my FL license. That was pretty quick and painless and I'm glad I had my birth certificate in the safe in the trunk because I had forgotten that I would even need that. So I'm official now, Sean says there's no turning back for me now. Ha! If only we had a house I'd feel a little more official, but we love staying with Sis and Rick so as long as they can stand us we'll be okay. Sean and the boys came in, we all had dinner and then back to the pool the kids all went. Haven't even been here a full day yet and Matthew is already going underwater (which he's never done before) and swimming all the way across the pool...that's exciting! Hunter had fun hanging in the "hot pool" because anyone who knows him knows that he's not a fan of cold water at all. It's been a great day so far so I hope it will just continue on this way forever here. I'll keep you all posted....hopefully I'll be better about my daily post promise but I'm still EXHAUSTED and I have school work to catch up on...ugh!



I am so happy that you all made it. What is mom going to do without you guys?

Unknown said...

The train idea sounds great. Maybe we will try that. Glad you made it safe. Please say hi to everyone for us. Love you!

Unknown said...

Well, call me a bumpkin, but I didn't know you could take a train to Florida. That is awesome.
I loved the trains in England.