Friday, June 22, 2007

Let the panic, I mean packing begin...

Well, it's day 2 now and I'm still going strong on my posts as promised. Ha! Though I'm absolutely exhausted because we've been staying up entirely too late at night to try to get things packed and sorted. Can I just tell you how proud I am of the boys....I've set limits on the number of toys they can take and they've been such troopers to agree to it. I have narrowed our packing down a great deal by limiting the toys...of course they still have tons of stuff. Last night I told Hunter that he could only take 3 stuffed animals and he looked at me after selecting those 3 and said "how about 10" which I said "no" and he said "can I at least take spider man" could I not agree to that? So then he grabbed one more and said "this doesn't count because it's a pillow so I can take that". Ha! This is the only argument we have had and I knew that would be going into it because Hunter loves 3 things: costumes, his "peoples" and his scooter. Honestly, I'm surprised he let me get rid of the other 15 so he did good to only keep 5. While I was working on packing things up, I heard a loud thump and looked out of the boys' room and there they were sliding down the steps in my rubbermaid bins like it was some kind of amusement park fear of perhaps busting their heads. "Boys will be boys"...I find myself saying this an awful lot...hopefully I will survive them but I assure you that each gray hair in my head has either Matthew or Hunter written all over it.

Tonight is crunch time to get our last bit of stuff out and ready for our big Moving Sale tomorrow...I'll post to let you know how it goes. I was thinking I should just open the doors to my house and let people walk through and take whatever they want and just pack what's left. Amazing how much stuff you can collect in just 4 years time! Until tomorrow.....(attached this picture to show just how we're feeling as of now from packing)

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Great idea on doing the blog---it should make it feel like you guys aren't so far away. Thanks for doing it!!!............Deanna