Monday, February 4, 2008

1st baby sitter

We left the boys with a real baby sitter for the very first time on Saturday night. Some friends of our were having an adult game night / party and so we all decided to go and leave the kids (Matthew, Hunter, Kenzie and Keegan) here at our house with a sitter. Hunter and Matthew were so excited and Hunter asked all day "is it time for me to baby sit yet". ha! So when she arrived they loved her right away and so we felt good about leaving them...not to mention we were only going about 7 houses down the street...boy aren't we brave? ha! But we were gone from about 6-11 and when we got home I was excited to come in and see how things had gone and Hunter just burst into tears. She was freaking out saying "he wasn't crying until you just walked in the door really" and so I was talking to him and he says "you didn't stay gone long enough!" WOW! So then since he couldn't get us to leave again he asked if she could just stay with us in our spare room. ha! He literally cried for 20 minutes and I finally got him to calm down by promising we would leave him to "baby sit" again sometime soon. Now I can use that just as good as the Santa threat..."if you not good I'm not going to let you baby sit". ha! Anyway, after she had gone and I got Hunter to calm down mom called me to come upstairs. It was at that very moment we discovered just why the kids loved her so very much....the entire hall was packed with toys, sort of like a road block and you couldn't even take a step through the hall. Then the claw game that Hunter had gotten for being good at his allergy test, that was filled with candy when we left, only had 3 pieces left and the trash can was filled with candy wrappers! YIKES! She played games with them, "let us have diet coke", and let them eat candy in the forbidden zones of the house. Ha! Oh well, as long as they all had fun it was a fairly easy clean up...though I'm still finding candy wrappers in the playroom bins. ha!

1 comment:

Damama T said...

HI! I think I've been here before, but it's been a while. I, too, raised two sons and I remember those babysitting nights. I always figured it was better that we ALL had a good time apart sometimes than to have them calling me every 10 minutes wanting me to come home. Hope you get to get out more often now that they like to baby sit. Just make sure to hide (most of) the candy next time! LOL! ;o)