Monday, February 4, 2008

Aikens Family came to visit.

To our surprise, our friends (who used to live in VA) from TX were in Orlando when we returned from our visit to VA so we were lucky enough to get the chance to go spend the day with them at Disney and have dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. Matthew and Dallin were great buddies and it was so nice to see them together, they just picked right up where they had left off. It's been more than 2 years since they've seen one another but neither of them really changed at all, just got taller and lost a few teeth. Ha! Dallin's little sister Olivia had grown a bunch since we last saw her though, but she warmed up to us in no time. She and Hunter had fun riding and playing together too. We had a great time with them and I wish we could have spent more time, but like all our visits with just wasn't long enough. They had to catch a very early plane the next morning and the boys had school so we ended up heading home around 8pm after dinner. We hope to make a trip to TX to visit them sometime soon as well, but hope they will come back to FL to visit again sometime too!

1 comment:

Damama T said...

I'm in the Houston area. If you ever get to this part of Texas I'd love to buy you and the guys a coke. ;o)