Monday, February 4, 2008

Animal Kingdom...2/2/08

Okay, so our Disney passes have more than paid for their selves at this point, we're Disney junkies. We started off heading to Epcot but Kenzie wanted to go and couldn't because she had basketball so we decided to wait until she could go with us so then we decided on Animal Kingdom instead. We had a really good time, though we were only able to stay for a few hours. We went to the petting zoo and Hunter fell in love with the sheep and goats, we could barely get him out of there. He kept squatting down and putting his face really close to the sheep's face...I have no idea what he was doing but I wish I would have had my camcorder to be honest...I'll have to be sure to take it next time. Anyway, Brandon (Matthew's buddy) went with us and we rode Dinosaur, that's the boys' favorite ride. It's a bit scary and very dark and loud...Brandon said he liked it but I'm not so sure I believed him. ha! We had a great time, then we went to Rainforest Cafe to grab lunch and headed home.

1 comment:

Damama T said...

WONDERFUL way to make memories and build bonds between them. Sounds like you all had a great time.