Monday, February 4, 2008

thanks to all our friends for a wonderful time!

As much as we hated to leave all our friends we had to come back home. We were sad but at the same time excited to be home and the kids were really looking forward to seeing daddy. Of course we had a bad flight back. We had gone to grab something to eat right in front of our gate at Max and Erma's and it literally took an hour to get our food so we just boxed it up so we wouldn't miss our fligth and rushed over to our gate. We got there only to find out they had changed gates on us without posting or announcing anything. So we ran to the other end of the terminal thinking we would miss our flight and when we got there found out it was an hour and a half delayed! I was so angry, I can't even tell you. I paid $40 for a quesadilla and chicken for the kids that I had to eat from a styrofoam box on an airport floor...ugh! The flight wasn't bad until the decent and both kids were crying from ear pain, I felt terrible and had no idea what to do for them other than tell them to keep chewing their gum and taking drinks of water. In all the flights we've ever been on neither kid has had ear pain and now on the same flight they both did...I was guessing it wasn't the kids. It was truly a horrible flight and I likely won't fly Jet Blue anymore....though Sean really likes that airline but I've flown them 3 times now and all 3 times I've been more than an hour delayed...the other 2 flights were actually more than about 5 hours delayed. Anyway, we made it home safe and sound which I guess is all that really matters and met a nice friend from NOVA that now resides in FL, not far from us so hopefully we can meet up and let our kids play sometime soon....always an adventure for me huh? Until my next post...

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