Monday, February 4, 2008

Our last day in VA

After we got back from Chuck E. Cheese, it was nice to sit and relax for just a bit and let the kids play a little more before we had to pack up and head to the airport. We were hanging downstairs and then we hear Dria calling out "help me" and go running up only to discover that she wasn't really in need of our help but was calling out for a Super Hero because "the Joker had captured her and tied her up so I need Spider Man to rescue me." So Hunter, oops...I mean Spider Man was there to make the rescue of his princess....just too cute!

1 comment:

Damama T said...

WOW! With costumes and all! LOL! So many kids have lost the ability to pretend because of all the time they spend in front of the boob tube (TV). It's great to see these little ones having such a fun time.